18 min read

Moving from An Apartment to A House: The Ultimate Checklist

Moving from An Apartment to A House: The Ultimate Checklist

Need help moving from apartment to a house?

We are helping thousands customers just like you to move their apartments and homes anywhere in Canada. Door to door service. Fixed prices
9.5 · 254 reviews

Making the leap from an apartment to a house? It's an exhilarating transition, but one fraught with countless to-dos and potential pitfalls. Did you know that 65% of movers admit to forgetting at least one crucial task during their big move? But worry not. We've crafted the ultimate checklist to make your move smooth and foolproof.

What's Inside?

  • Pre-move preparations: From utilities to address changes.
  • Packing strategies: Efficiently packing your belongings.
  • Day-of-move essentials: Keeping stress at bay.
  • Post-move checklist: Settling into your new home with ease.

P.s., If you need help with your apartment move, you can find local movers in your area on Top Move - Canada’s #1 platform to find the best moving companies at affordable rates.

Table Of Contents:

  • Pre-Moving and Packing Tips
    • 1. Inventory Your Belongings
    • 2. Budget for Additional Expenses
  • 3. Research Moving Companies
    • 4. Consider Storage Solutions
    • 5. Update Your Address and Utilities
    • 6. Plan for Pets
    • 7. Pack a First-Night Box
    • 8. Double-Check Legal Requirements
  • The Timeline of Moving from Apartment to House Checklist
    • Planning and Organizing Your Move
      • Creating Your Moving Budget
    • Packing Essentials for the Move
    • Decluttering Before the Move
    • Gather Packing Supplies
    • Organize and Label Boxes
    • Preparing Your Apartment for Departure
    • Schedule Cleaning Services if Needed
    • Reviewing Lease Agreements and Making Move-out Arrangements
    • Repair Any Damages Before Moving Out
    • 6 Months Before the Move: Research and Budgeting
    • 3 Months Before the Move: House Hunting and Decluttering
    • 1 Month Before the Move: Packing and Address Change
    • 1 Week Before the Move: Final Preparations
    • Moving Day: Execution
  • How to Move with Top Move: A Step-by-Step Process
    • Step 1: What Are You Moving?
    • Step 2: Insert Your Current Address
    • Step 3: Moving From
    • Step 4: Moving To
    • Step 5: Moving Date
    • Step 6: Address Moving To
    • Step 7: Driver Help Required or Not
    • Step 8: Add Inventory
    • Step 9: Do You Have Photos?
    • Step 10: Your Email Address and Submit
  • Navigating Moving Day Successfully
    • Arranging for Your Transport Vehicle
    • A Little Help From Friends And Family
    • The Art Of Loading – Heavy Items First
  • FAQs
    • What's the first thing you should do when you move into an apartment or house?
    • What do I need when moving into a new house?
    • What should I do a month before I move?
    • What to remember to do before moving?
  • Ready to Make Your Move? Let Top Move Guide You!

Pre-Moving and Packing Tips

Moving from an apartment to a house is an exciting transition, but it can also be a stressful one if you're not prepared. To make the moving from apartment to house checklist process smoother, we've compiled a list of pre-moving tips that will help you get organized and ensure a hassle-free move. Here are eight key points to consider before we move on toward our ultimate moving checklist:

1. Inventory Your Belongings

Before you start packing, it's crucial to take inventory of all your belongings. This will help you determine what you need to take with you, what can be sold or donated, and what packing materials you'll need.

Top Move Tip: Create a spreadsheet or use a moving app to list all your items by room. This will make it easier to track what you have and what you still need to pack.

2. Budget for Additional Expenses

Moving to a house often comes with additional costs that you may not have encountered in an apartment. This could include utility deposits, lawn care equipment, or new furniture.

Top Move Tip: Make a list of all the potential new expenses and add them to your moving budget. This will help you avoid any financial surprises.

3. Research Moving Companies

Unlike moving from one apartment to another, moving to a house often involves transporting more items, sometimes over greater distances. Therefore, it's essential to find a reliable moving company.

Top Move Tip: Look for reviews and get quotes from at least three different moving companies to compare prices and services.

4. Consider Storage Solutions

A house usually offers more space than an apartment, but you may not want to move all your belongings immediately. Consider temporary storage solutions for items you don't need right away.

Top Move Tip: Rent a storage unit for seasonal items like holiday decorations or summer furniture, freeing up space in your new home.

5. Update Your Address and Utilities

Don't forget to update your address with the postal service, as well as any subscriptions or services you use. Also, make arrangements to transfer utilities like gas, electricity, and internet to your new home.

Top Move Tip: Use the USPS online change of address form and call your utility providers at least two weeks before your move to schedule transfers.

6. Plan for Pets

Moving can be stressful for pets too. Plan ahead to make the transition as smooth as possible for them.

Top Move Tip: Schedule a vet visit for a check-up and to get advice on moving with your pet. Make sure you have a safe space set up for them in your new home.

7. Pack a First-Night Box

The first night in your new home can be chaotic. Pack a box with essentials like toiletries, clothes, and basic kitchen items to make it easier.

Top Move Tip: Include items like toothbrushes, a change of clothes, snacks, and any medications you may need.

8. Double-Check Legal Requirements

When moving from an apartment to a house, there may be additional legal requirements or paperwork to complete, such as home inspections or finalizing your mortgage.

Top Move Tip: Make a checklist of all the legal steps you need to complete before the move and ensure that you have all the necessary documents in order.

The Timeline of Moving from Apartment to House Checklist

Moving is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. As with any big undertaking, it helps to have a plan in place. Knowing what needs to happen and when will help you stay organized and make the process smoother. The following timeline should serve as a helpful guide so that you feel prepared for your move from apartment to house.

6 Months Before the Move: Research and Budgeting

  • Research Neighborhoods: Dive into online forums, local news, and real estate websites to get a feel for different areas. You wouldn't want to move to a place only to find out it has a high crime rate or poor school district.
  • Check Your Credit Score: A good credit score can make a significant difference in your mortgage rates. Use a free online service to check your score and, if needed, take steps to improve it.

Planning and Organizing Your Move

When you're preparing to transition from an apartment to a house, it's more than just packing up your belongings. It requires careful planning, meticulous organization, and wise budgeting.

List all the costs involved, from down payments to moving trucks. A budget helps you avoid last-minute financial stress. For instance, if you're eyeing a $300,000 house, you'll need at least $60,000 for a 20% down payment.

Starting the preparations early allows you to handle any unexpected challenges that may arise during the move. It also gives you plenty of time to research moving services and companies, which is crucial for a smooth transition.

Creating Your Moving Budget

A crucial step in preparing for your move is creating a realistic budget that covers all potential costs. This includes deciding whether to hire professional movers or opt for a DIY move, purchasing packing materials, and considering storage fees and travel expenses if you're moving a long distance.

To avoid overspending or being surprised by hidden charges when using professional movers, be sure to request quotes from multiple companies before making a decision.

It's important to emphasize the need to request time off work, especially if your moving big day falls on a weekday. This will give you sufficient time to handle tasks without the added stress of juggling work responsibilities. Additionally, make arrangements for childcare and pet care, ensuring that your family members are well taken care of throughout the moving supplies process.

Navigating a move from apartment to house? It's more than just packing. Our guide helps you plan, budget, and organize for a smooth transition. Let us turn your moving headache into an exciting adventure. #MovingTips #HomeSweetHome

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3 Months Before the Move: House Hunting and Decluttering

  • Start House Hunting: Visit open houses, schedule viewings, and consult with a real estate agent. You might find a house with a beautiful garden that fits within your budget and is close to work.
  • Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage: This will give you a clear idea of what you can afford and show sellers that you are a serious buyer. You'll need to provide financial documents like pay stubs and tax returns for this.

1 Month Before the Move: Packing and Address Change

  • Start Packing Non-Essentials: Begin with items you don't use daily, like seasonal decorations or books. Label each box clearly with its contents and the room it belongs to.
  • Notify Important Parties of Address Change: Update your address with the post office, utility companies, and other essential services. This ensures that you won't miss any important mail or bills.
  • Hire a Moving Company: Book a reputable moving company well in advance. Make sure to read reviews and get quotes from multiple companies before making a decision.

1 Week Before the Move: Final Preparations

  • Confirm Details with Moving Company: Double-check the moving date, costs, and what services are included. You don't want any surprises on moving day.

Packing Essentials for the Move

Relocating from an apartment to a house can be both exciting and overwhelming. One crucial aspect that requires careful attention is packing efficiently. It's not just about randomly cramming items into containers; it is essential to make sure your possessions are safely stored, orderly arranged, and simple to unpack.

The first step is to start packing early. This gives you plenty of time to plan meticulously without feeling rushed or stressed. Starting early allows for a systematic sorting of all your possessions.

Decluttering Before the Move

An essential part of starting early is decluttering and getting rid of unwanted items before moving day arrives. You'd be surprised at how much we accumulate over time – things that no longer serve us or have fallen out of regular use. Decluttering in advance reduces the volume of items you'll need to pack, transport, and unpack in your new home.

This practice is not only practical but also provides mental clarity during what can be a typically stressful period of relocating homes.

Gather Packing Supplies

The next crucial step is to gather all the necessary packing supplies ahead of time. This includes sturdy boxes in various sizes, bubble wrap for fragile items, tape dispensers with extra rolls of tape, and markers for labeling purposes.

Having these tools readily available makes the entire process smoother by eliminating unnecessary pauses caused by missing equipment when you need them the most.

Organize and Label Boxes

To facilitate easier unpacking once you've moved into your new house, organize each packed item according to its designated room and label the corresponding box accordingly.

For example, kitchenware should go in a box labeled "Kitchen," while bedroom-related belongings should be packed in a box labeled "Bedroom." This strategy not only saves valuable post-move-in energy and effort but also ensures that you can easily find what you need exactly where you expect it.

In addition to labeling by room, consider categorizing items within those labels based on their frequency of use. Mark daily-use essentials as a priority to open upon arrival, while seasonal decorations can take a backseat until you're fully settled in.

Key Takeaway:

Efficient packing for a move from an apartment to a house starts with decluttering and early planning. Gather all necessary supplies ahead of time, systematically sort possessions, and label boxes according to their designated rooms. Prioritize daily-use items for easy access upon arrival at your new home. It's not just about shoving stuff in boxes - it's about organized transition

Moving Day: Execution

  • Do a Final Walkthrough: Before the movers arrive, walk through your apartment one last time to make sure nothing is left behind.
  • Supervise the Move: Be present during the move to guide the movers and answer any questions. This ensures that everything goes smoothly and nothing gets misplaced.
  • Inspect the New House: Once you arrive, inspect the house to make sure it's in the condition you expected. Then, start unpacking your essentials.

Preparing Your Apartment for Departure

Think about it this way: you're getting ready to start a new chapter in your life, moving from an apartment to a house. Before moving to a new home, the old apartment must be cleaned up and organized.

It’s like packing up at the end of a vacation - you want to leave things as neat and tidy as possible. This is where deep cleaning comes into play.

Schedule Cleaning Services if Needed

Cleaning might seem daunting but think of it as tidying up after a long stay. You don't necessarily have to do all the heavy lifting yourself; professional help is available.

If time isn't on your side or if you feel overwhelmed by the task at hand, consider hiring professionals who specialize in deep clean services. They'll get into every nook and cranny, ensuring your landlord has less reason for complaint.

Reviewing Lease Agreements and Making Move-out Arrangements

Imagine planning a trip without checking your itinerary – not very efficient, right? The same principle applies when preparing for departure from an apartment; reviewing lease agreements should be a top priority.

You need clarity about what exactly was agreed upon when you moved in so there are no surprises later down the line during inspection time. Reach out directly with any questions regarding move-out arrangements or clauses related to property damage or cleaning requirements.

Repair Any Damages Before Moving Out

No one likes surprise expenses, especially ones that could've been avoided. It's crucially important to fix any damage issues prior to leaving the premises to prevent potential disputes and future financial penalties.

  • Firstly, take inventory of existing problems, whether they’re minor scuffs, scratches on walls, or more serious broken appliances.
  • The next step is to decide which repairs to tackle yourself and which may require the expertise of professionals. Remember, even small tasks such as filling nail holes left from hanging pictures contribute to the overall condition of the apartment.
  • Finally, make sure you deal with things based on how urgent and serious they are. Handle the most critical issues first.

Key Takeaway:

Imagine you're tidying up after a long vacation - that's the mindset for preparing your apartment for departure. Schedule deep cleaning services if needed, ensure you thoroughly review lease agreements and move-out arrangements to avoid any surprises, and take care of any damages before leaving. Think of it as closing one chapter neatly before starting another.

By following this timeline, you'll be well-prepared for a smooth transition from apartment living to enjoying your new house.

Navigating Moving Day Successfully

Moving from an apartment to a house? Moving day can be a crucial moment in the process. For a successful move, it's essential to have an organized plan in place. This includes arranging for a moving truck or van, getting help from friends or family, and knowing how to load your belongings - remember, heavy items should go first.

Arranging for Your Transport Vehicle

Deciding between a large truck or a compact van can be tricky. When selecting a vehicle, consider the size and amount of your items, as well as the distance between current and new locations. No need to worry - Top Move is here to help.

Top Move is a fantastic platform where Canadians can find reliable movers. You can compare quotes based on your budget and specific requirements.

A Little Help From Friends And Family

Who said too many cooks spoil the broth? When it comes to moving day, having more hands means less work (and less stress). Enlist the help of friends or family members who would be willing to lend some muscle power during this challenging task.

If you don't have anyone available to assist physically, don't worry. You can ask them if they could contribute by providing meals on moving day instead. After all, it's important to feed those who are doing all the heavy lifting.

The Art Of Loading – Heavy Items First

Loading is a task that requires some attention to detail. Proper techniques can make all the difference in ensuring safety and preventing damage.

  1. Prioritise Heavy Items: Start by placing the heavier objects at the bottom. This provides stability during transit and ensures that lighter items are not damaged by being placed underneath heavier ones.
  2. Safety Techniques: It's crucial to lift items correctly. Always use your leg muscles when lifting, rather than straining your back. This can prevent potential injuries.
  3. Handle Fragile Items with Care: Fragile items should be packed securely and placed in a spot where they won't move around much. This helps reduce the risk of breakage.
  4. Don't Overpack: Give your items some room. Overpacking can cause damage due to excessive pressure and friction between items.
  5. Proper Wrapping: Make sure your belongings, especially the delicate ones, are well-wrapped. This provides an additional layer of protection against potential scratches or damages.

How to Move with Top Move: A Step-by-Step Process

Navigating a move can be stressful, but Top Move aims to make the process as straightforward as possible. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to move with Top Move:

Step 1: What Are You Moving?

The first step is to specify what you are moving. Select the appropriate option from the list provided on the platform.

Step 2: Insert Your Current Address

Enter the address from where you'll be moving. This helps Top Move in calculating logistics and costs.

Step 3: Moving From

In this step, you'll need to provide details about the place you're moving from. This includes the type of bedroom, flat, and floor information.

Step 4: Moving To

Similarly, provide details about the place you're moving to. Again, this will include the type of bedroom, flat, and floor.

Step 5: Moving Date

Select the date on which you plan to move. This helps Top Move in scheduling the right movers for you.

Step 6: Address Moving To

Confirm the address you're moving to. This is crucial for accurate delivery and cost estimation.

Step 7: Driver Help Required or Not

Indicate whether you'll need the driver's help in loading and unloading your belongings.

Step 8: Add Inventory

List down the items you'll be moving. This helps in better planning and ensures that nothing is left behind.

Step 9: Do You Have Photos?

If possible, upload photos of the items you're moving. This provides additional clarity for the movers.

Step 10: Your Email Address and Submit

Finally, enter your email address and submit the form. You'll receive confirmation and further instructions via email.

By following these steps, you can make your move organised and hassle-free.

Key Takeaway:

When moving from an apartment to a house, it's all about the game plan. Ensure you've arranged for transport that fits your needs and budget, enlisted some help - either muscle or meal prep - from friends or family, and mastered the art of loading with heavy items first. Keep safety in mind at all times. And when things get tough? Just keep swimming

Wrapping Up Your Transition from Apartment to House

Reflecting on this journey, transitioning from an apartment to a house can seem overwhelming. Yet, with methodical preparation and the right tools in hand, the process becomes a manageable adventure rather than a daunting task.

Key Takeaways:

  • Start with an inventory and decluttering to streamline the process.

  • Efficiently manage your budget, from hidden costs to potential additional expenses.

  • The right moving company can make a world of difference.

  • Prioritize efficient packing and labelling for a seamless unpacking experience.

  • Ensure your apartment is departure-ready, from deep cleaning to settling all repair tasks.

And remember, if this journey seems overwhelming, then it’s worth having the right moving partners by your side for a safe and secure move. Top Move is Canada’s #1 platform to find reliable moving companies in your area at affordable rates.

Give it a try today.


What's the first thing you should do when you move into an apartment or house?

The first step is to inspect your new home for any existing damage and document it. Notify your landlord or realtor immediately if anything needs fixing.

What do I need when moving into a new house?

When moving into a new house, you'll need essential items such as cleaning supplies, toiletries, kitchenware, bedding, and tools. It's also important to have your important documents organized and easily accessible.

What should I do a month before I move?

About a month before your move, start decluttering unwanted items. Begin packing non-essential belongings and make sure to set up utilities in your new place.

What to remember to do before moving?

Before moving, remember to prioritize transferring utility services, updating your address details with necessary entities like banks or the postal service, arranging for professional cleaners if needed, and scheduling movers well in advance.

Need help moving from apartment to a house?

We are helping thousands customers just like you to move their apartments and homes anywhere in Canada. Door to door service. Fixed prices
9.5 · 254 reviews

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