12 min read

Moving Out of Parents House Checklist

By · September 28, 2023
Moving Out of Parents House Checklist

Are you moving out of your parents soon?

We are helping thousands of Canadians like you to move anywhere across Canada. Door to door service. Fixed prices.
9.6 · 176 reviews

Moving Out of Parents' House? Here's Your Moving Checklist.

The buzz of freedom, the allure of crafting your own rules, and the thrill of that first leap into independence—moving out of your parents' house is nothing short of an adventure.

With all the excitement, however, comes a tangled web of responsibilities. There's a budget to be drawn, items to be sorted, and a seemingly never-ending list that threatens to replace your exhilaration with overwhelming stress.

At Top Move, we’ve put together a master checklist of everything you need to know for moving out of your parent’s house.

P.s. If you need a hand moving to your new home, answer a couple of questions and start getting competitive quotes from local movers in your area on Top Move’s platform .

Table Of Contents:

  • Pre-Moving Tips
    • 1. Budgeting is Key
    • 2. Location Matters
    • 3. Research the Rental Market
    • 4. Make a Checklist of Essentials
    • 5. Plan the Move
    • 6. Declutter Before Packing
    • 7. Notify Important Parties
    • 8. Have an Emergency Fund
  • Preparing For Moving Out of Parents House: The Timeline
    • Financially Ready for Moving Out
    • Managing Credit Score and Payments
    • Dealing with Student Loans and Car Payments
    • 1. Financial Planning (6-12 months before moving)
    • 2. Location Scouting (4-8 months before moving)
    • 3. Decluttering and Packing (2-4 months before moving)
    • 4. Addressing Essentials (1-2 months before moving)
    • 5. The Final Countdown (2 weeks before moving)
    • 6. Moving Day
    • 7. Settling In (1-2 weeks after moving)
  • How to Move with Top Move: A Step-by-Step Process
    • Step 1: What Are You Moving?
    • Step 2: Insert Your Current Address
    • Step 3: Moving From
    • Step 4: Moving To
    • Step 5: Moving Date
    • Step 6: Address Moving To
    • Step 7: Driver Help Required or Not
    • Step 8: Add Inventory
    • Step 9: Do You Have Photos?
    • Step 10: Your Email Address and Submit
  • Apartment Hunting Tips
    • Understanding Lease Agreements
  • The Moving Process
    • Packing Efficiently For The Move
    • Planning Logistics Of The Move
    • Estimating Budgeting For Moving Costs
  • FAQs on Moving Out of Parents House Checklist
    • What do you need to take when you move out of your parents' house?
    • What is the normal age to move out of your parents' house?
    • What do I need to know before moving out of my parents' house?
    • How much money should you have before moving out of your parents'?
    • Ready to Take the Leap into Independence? Make Your Move with Top Move!

Pre-Moving Tips

Moving out of your parents' house is a significant milestone that marks the transition into independent adulthood. While the idea of having your own space is exciting, the process can be overwhelming. To make your move as smooth as possible, here are some pre-moving tips you should consider:

1. Budgeting is Key

Before you even start looking for a place to live, it's crucial to set a realistic budget. This will help you determine what you can afford in terms of rent, utilities, and other living expenses.

Top Move Tip: Create a spreadsheet that outlines all your expected monthly expenses, including rent, utilities, groceries, and transportation. Compare this with your monthly income to ensure you can comfortably afford to move out.

2. Location Matters

The location of your new home will impact various aspects of your life, including commute times, access to amenities, and overall lifestyle.

Top Move Tip: If you work in the city, consider an apartment that is close to public transportation to save on fuel and parking costs.

3. Research the Rental Market

Understanding the rental market in your desired location will give you a better idea of what to expect in terms of cost and availability.

Top Move Tip: Use websites like Zillow or Craigslist to compare prices for similar apartments in different neighborhoods.

4. Make a Checklist of Essentials

A checklist will help you identify what you absolutely need in your new home, such as a washer and dryer, parking space, or a pet-friendly environment.

Top Move Tip: Write down all the must-haves and nice-to-haves on a piece of paper and use it as a guide when you're apartment hunting.

5. Plan the Move

Once you've secured a place, the next step is to plan the logistics of the move. This includes hiring a moving company or deciding to do it yourself.

Top Move Tip: Get quotes from multiple moving companies and read reviews to make an informed decision.

6. Declutter Before Packing

Moving is an excellent opportunity to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need.

Top Move Tip: Donate clothes you haven't worn in a year and sell or give away furniture that won't fit in your new place.

7. Notify Important Parties

Before you move, make sure to inform all relevant parties about your change of address. This includes your friends, bank, employer, and any subscription services.

Top Move Tip: Use the USPS change of address service to forward your mail to your new address.

8. Have an Emergency Fund

Unexpected expenses are bound to arise when you're moving. Having an emergency fund will give you peace of mind.

Top Move Tip: Aim to save at least three months' worth of living expenses in case of emergencies like sudden repairs or medical issues.

Preparing For Moving Out of Parents House: The Timeline

An essential part of preparing to move out of your parents' house is having a timeline for when key tasks should be completed. Doing so will help ensure that your move goes smoothly and that no details are neglected. Here is a suggested timeline you can use as a guide:

1. Financial Planning (6-12 months before moving)

  • Budgeting: Understand your monthly income and expenses. If you earn $3,000 a month, ensure your rent, utilities, groceries, and other essentials don't exceed 50% of that amount.
  • Savings: Aim to have at least three months' worth of living expenses in an emergency fund. This means if your monthly expenses are $1,500, you should have $4,500 saved before moving.
  • Credit Score Check: Regularly monitor your credit history score. A score of 700 or above can help you secure a better rental deal or even a loan if needed.

Financially Ready for Moving Out

Visualize yourself taking the step to leave your parents' home and move into a place of your own; yet, have you set up a sound budget for living expenses?

You've got the boxes packed, but have you packed up a solid budget for living expenses? Just like how you allocate money from each paycheck across all your bills, assessing your financial situation before moving is critical.

1. Managing Credit Score and Payments

This is what landlords look at when deciding if they'll rent to you or utility companies consider when determining deposits. Regular check-ins on credit reports can keep that score looking good, while making sure payments are always on time keeps it healthy.

We all know life happens; there are groceries to buy, rent is due soon, utilities need paying off, and transportation costs are piling up...but these shouldn't make us rely too much on our credit cards because over-reliance could take a toll on that precious credit score.

2. Dealing with Student Loans and Car Payments

Student loans. Those hefty amounts we borrowed during college days might still be lingering around as monthly installments. Think about consolidating them; smaller chunks would feel less intimidating in the new budget scheme.

The same goes for car payments – why not consider refinancing options? Lowering those monthly commitments won’t hurt, especially when other needs like housing costs come knocking every month.

Goldman Sachs tells us that nearly thirty percent of Millennials still prefer being "snug in the nest". And remember - housing should only take 30% of income tops.

Taking the leap from your parents' nest? Don't forget to pack a solid budget. Keep an eye on credit scores, manage loans and remember - housing should only take 30% of income tops. #MovingOutTips

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3. Location Scouting (4-8 months before moving)

  • Research Neighborhoods: Look for areas with low crime rates, proximity to work, and essential amenities like grocery stores and hospitals.
  • Visit Potential Homes: Attend open houses or schedule viewings to get a feel for the space and the neighborhood.
  • Compare Rent Prices: If a one-bedroom apartment in Downtown costs $1,200, but a similar one in the suburbs is $900, consider what's more important: location or savings.

4. Decluttering and Packing (2-4 months before moving)

  • Sort Through Belongings: Separate items into keep, donate, and discard piles. If you haven't worn that jacket in two years, it might be time to let it go.
  • Purchase Packing Supplies: Invest in sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, and packing tape to pack items like small items like first-aid kit or bigger one like shower curtain, storage bins, and ironing board. Remember, a broken vase due to flimsy packaging can cost more in the long run.
  • Label Everything: Mark boxes with their contents and the room they belong to. It'll make unpacking in your new place much smoother.

5. Addressing Essentials (1-2 months before moving)

  • Notify Important Parties: Inform your bank, post office, and other essential services about your upcoming move and new address.
  • Set Up Utilities: Contact utility providers to ensure you have electricity, water, and internet set up in your new home from day one.
  • Hire a Moving Company: Research and book a reputable moving company. Check reviews and get quotes from at least three different companies.

6. The Final Countdown (2 weeks before moving)

  • Confirm Moving Details: Double-check the date and time with your moving company.
  • Pack an Essentials Bag: Include items you'll need immediately, like toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents.
  • Cleaning Supplies or Your Current Space: Leave your old living room or space in good condition. It's a sign of respect and can help avoid any potential disputes with family.

7. Moving Day

  • Stay Calm and Organized: Keep your essentials bag and important documents close. Have a checklist to ensure nothing is left behind.
  • Inspect Your New Place: Before unpacking, check for any damages or issues. Notify the landlord or property manager immediately if you find any.
  • Unpack Systematically: Start with the essentials and gradually unpack room by room. It's easier to set up one space completely than to have every room half-done.

8. Settling In (1-2 weeks after moving)

  • Introduce Yourself: Get to know your neighbors. A simple hello can go a long way in building good relationships.
  • Explore Your New Area: Familiarize yourself with local shops, parks, and other amenities. It'll make your new place feel more like home.
  • Update Your Address: If you missed any services or subscriptions, update them now with your new address.

Remember, moving out is a significant step. It's okay to ask for help or advice along the way. Stay patient, organized, and excited about this new chapter in your life. It's time to find the best moving company in your area.

Get Help Moving Out of Your Parents’ House on Top Move.

Moving can be a stressful experience, but with Top Move, it doesn't have to be. This platform streamlines the entire process, making it easier for you to get from Point A to Point B. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to move with Top Move:

Step 1: What Are You Moving?

The first step involves selecting what you are moving. Choose the appropriate option from the list provided on the platform.

Step 2: Insert Your Current Address

Input the address you are moving from. This helps Top Move in calculating logistics and costs.

Step 3: Moving From

Specify details about the place you are moving from, such as the type of bedroom, flat, and floor. This information helps in estimating the size and complexity of the move.

Step 4: Moving To

Just like Step 3, specify details about the place you are moving to, including the type of bedroom, flat, and floor.

Step 5: Moving Date

Choose the date you plan to move. This helps in scheduling the moving company.

Step 6: Address Moving To

Input the address you are moving to. This is crucial for route planning and cost estimation.

Step 7: Driver Help Required or Not

Indicate whether you will need the driver's help in loading and unloading your belongings.

Step 8: Add Inventory

List down the items you are planning to move. This helps in better planning and ensures that nothing is left behind.

Step 9: Do You Have Photos?

If possible, upload photos of the items you are moving. This can help in getting a more accurate quote.

Step 10: Your Email Address and Submit

Finally, enter your email address and submit the form. You will receive quotes and further instructions via email.

By following these steps, you can make your move organized and hassle-free.


What do you need to take when you move out of your parents' house?

You'll need essentials like clothing, toiletries, personal documents, and sentimental items. Additionally, consider taking kitchenware, furniture, or appliances if permitted.

What is the normal age to move out of your parents' house?

In Canada, most people typically leave their parents' home between 18-25 years old. However, this can vary based on individual circumstances such as education or finances.

What do I need to know before moving out of my parents' house?

Prioritize financial readiness by budgeting for living expenses and saving an emergency fund. Understand lease agreements thoroughly and prepare a checklist for tasks related to moving.

How much money should you have before moving out of your parents'?

Aim for savings that cover at least three months' worth of living expenses including rent/mortgage payments plus utilities and food costs. This offers a safety net in case of unexpected events.

Ready to Take the Leap into Independence? Move Confidently with Top Move!

Moving out of your parents' house is a significant milestone that marks your transition into independent adulthood. It's not just about packing your bags and leaving; it's a complex process that involves meticulous planning, budgeting, and logistics.

If you're gearing up to move out of your parents' house, Top Move can help you find the best moving companies for your exact needs at student-friendly rates!

Try us out today.

Are you moving out of your parents soon?

We are helping thousands of Canadians like you to move anywhere across Canada. Door to door service. Fixed prices.
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